Note:This story was not originally told by me. An anonymous author wrote up these events in the first person, however everything that happens in this story is 100% true.
Odin let a manly tear run down his divine face.
"Letteth thou be known, today, that he, the child of the broken heart, was indeed the greatest man ever to live and die before me."
Odin raises his arm.
"He will go on to Valhalla, whereth thou will be swarmed with thy luscious women, succulent drinks and foods, and forever rocking the very foundation of existence."
In the end, the world went back to normal, the girls all in tears but became stronger in their lives, and Kenji pouring out some expensive beer for his fallen bro.
All was well for the newly strengthened world.
All except for Rin, who died of breast cancer two months later.
This was one of the weirdest stories ever.