Note:This story was not originally told by me. An anonymous author wrote up these events in the first person, however everything that happens in this story is 100% true.
The song you were playing was reaching the end, everyone in the world cheering at you, you glorious bastard... wait... something's wrong...? The electricity and your bad heart aren't doing too well. In fact, if you don't stop right now, you'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. You'll die. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. You're gonna die. But you come to realize, the over sized Raptor simply can't keep up with you, and if you stopped, he'd overtake you and more than likely humanity would be viewed as a bunch of pussies.
You can't let them down.
You can't.
You cough up blood, but you begin to play the last glorious second of the song of your soul. The music was so beautiful, that Odin himself was in tears. As you finish your song, you collapse instantly. You know you can't be saved, but you don't care. You point your dying finger at Odin and the T-Rex.
"YOU are small-time." you say as you slowly pass over into death.
The crowd went silent. Before they were cheering, then they were crying, but now they're silent. Hisao, possibly the most metal man ever to exist, died from rocking too hard.