"What? Touhounogi? Doesn't that sound just like some gimmicky combination of Touhou and Mabinogi?" you may be thinking right about now, and the answer is yes! It DOES sound like some gimmicky combination of Touhou and Mabinogi! And this post is about how I made it so that the in game music for Mabinogi is swapped out with Touhou music! Doesn't that sound like a Touhounogi to you?
Well first thing's first. Mabinogi uses an mp3 folder to read sounds into the game, making the songs ingame highly editable. All you need to do is swap the files and rename them and BAM! Playing whatever music you want! Don't like the boss room music? BAM! Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial. Got a problem with the Dunbarton theme? POW! Flight of the Bamboo Cutters ~ Lunatic Princess.
Now, you too, can have Touhou music set for your Mabinogi client! It's so simple! Just search "touhounogi" and click the second link! After that go to the first page and follow the instructions! Soon enough you'll be playing with upgraded music in Mabinogi!