I think he believed it you guys. Text copied from an Omegle chat.
Stranger: Hi
You: Hi.
Stranger: Where you from?
You: Mayohiga
Stranger: Where is that?
You: Gensokyo
Stranger: never heard of it
Stranger: where is it near?
You: It's where everything goes when people stop believing in them.
Stranger: oh right cool sounds like a nice place
Stranger: Are you male or female?
You: female
Stranger: I'm male
You: Everyone in Gensokyo is female, except for some of the humans in the human village.
Stranger: What are the other villages like? Are there humans staying there too?
You: There are no other villages. There's the Forest of Magic and Hell, which are about as close as you'll get to a village. There's a human living in the Forest of Magic, but aside from her there's only one other human who lives outside the human village.
You: We'd eat all the humans if they weren't there.
Stranger: I've only eaten a few humans before
Stranger: I'm on a diet you see
You: They're delicious.
Stranger: Anyway the farm that produces humans close to me has shut....so I cant get fresh humans as much
Stranger: BBQ humans are lovely
Stranger: Pickled cocks taste really nice
You: Eww. Men are disgusting.
Stranger: why?
You: They taste weird.
Stranger: How do you take your humans then?
You: I only eat females.
Stranger: i know they do but with some salt and a nice sauce they can taste good
Stranger: since you only eat females are you a lesbian?
You: I know that ghost at Hakugyokurou will eat anything though.
Stranger: I have heard that
Stranger: some Ghosts arent fussy
Stranger: ghost caught me masturbating one time
You: She even asked her gardener to fry that immortal human once.
Stranger: it got a shock of its life .....it had a look on its face like it thought it has seen somebody fwapping
Stranger: well some people have their owns tastes I suppose.
Stranger: Once you go human you dont go back
Stranger: How do you travel back and fourth to your planet?
You: I live on Earth.
Stranger: Cool me too
Stranger: Do you ever trael outside earth?
Stranger: *Travel
You: No.
Stranger: You should once in a while you would like it...trust me its out this world
You: If I really wanted to I could. I can manipulate boundaries.
Stranger: I bet you can
Stranger: I'm going to go now ok? Might bump into you in the galaxy somewhere
You: Ok.
Stranger: Its been nice talking to you
Yeah, I love omegle. The craziest things always happen there.